Aral Farm demonstrates a replicable model for ecologically informed, diverse and economically successful small farms, which can and are replacing mass production with production by the masses. We provide education and resources for the growers of craft food.

Meet the Aral Growers

Conor and Rose started Aral Farm in 2022 with a vision of creating a tiny patch of paradise. They have spent their lives exploring the land and sea of Cornwall and North Devon working as educators, advisors, storytellers and now market gardeners! At the core of everything they do is a desire to leave a legacy and model for ecologically enhancing, socially empowering and economically viable systems of land use. They also love those sunny afternoons when they get to go surfing with dirt still on their hands.         

What is Aral Farm?

Aral Farm is a 2 acre site comprising a half acre market garden wrapped around a perennial system of food production and ecological connectivity. The land is managed organically and is currently under conversion with the soil association. As well as enhancing the environment, Aral Farm is a place where people grow, the land is managed by Aral Growers CIC, a workers cooperative that ensures the staff have a fully democratic and empowered voice in the running of the business and their own personal development.

Come and find us at the farmers market

Newquay BIG Market

Every first Saturday of the month

10am – 4pm

Killacourt, Newquay

Our collaborators and funders